Yogic Concepts on Quantum Mechanics deals with the subject of science on basic building blocks, quantized or formative dust, energy particle, magnetic waves, consciousness etc and subject of spirituality on Bindu, Shiva & Shakti, Hiranya Garva, Prana, mind, spirit, human life cycle, evolution etc. The concept developed and also under investigation by the scientist researching on this field is being compared with the corresponding subjects already developed and experienced by the Spiritual masters. In addition, this domain also projects the concept developed by Indian seers (explained in Upanishad, Yoga and Vedanta) endorsing the discovery of science and quantum mechanics. By this site (www.yogicconcepts.in), there is an attempt to establish a platform for the scientist and spiritual master to exchange their views and mutually get benefited.
By Prof. A.N.Pandey, Director SAP, Hyderabad
Based on the experience gained in Kriya yoga and Meditation, author strongly feels that if Scientists practice Kriya Yoga (Steps suggested in the book with all cares) can be able to unite and sublimate the lower mind with higher mind. By sublimation, they will be in a position to dive the unknown (Mystic) world, where knowledge and Bliss are available. Sublimation of Lower and higher mind is defined in Upanishad as merging of Shakti (Lower mind) with Shiva (Higher mind). When union happens, the individual becomes Divine and ready to enter in Unknown domain. This domain (unknown or transcendental or the domain of supreme reality) consists of all kinds of knowledge and bliss. The scientist will be in a position to travel in this domain and can be able to invent the conceptual theme either by getting intuition or by direct exposure. This kind of experiment can be exercised as this does not cost anything in respect of time and money.
Scientific invention depends on the healthiness of brain. The utility of the brain can also be exercised in particular direction (with the help of concentration) so that the hidden potential power of it can be explored. The analysis shows that how the different parts of the brain function and by which way vibrant brain can be achieved for scientific work. The importance of Kriya yoga is also described for the benefit of scientific community. It is important to note that this article does not provide the purpose and principle of Kriya yoga in detail. However, the same can be obtained from the book “The power and limitation of Kriya yoga” available in given link.
The primitive brain determines our drives mainly for hunger, thirst and reproduction. In case of human being, the outer cell of the brain tissue has mushroomed around the core. This outer shell is the thinking brain. The nervous of the brain is divided in two domains. One is connected to central nervous system and other one is connected to peripheral nerves which are away from the CNS. The human brain can be represented in three parts such as i) frontal brain, ii) middle brain and iii) rear (back) brain. Frontal brain contained in cerebral cortex where individual characteristics like animal instinct, urges and rationality exists. This part of the brain exhibit the character of an individual. 

Middle brain mainly consists of motor and sensory path, in addition to thalamus and hypothalamus gland. Sensory path receives the information from the body through a spinal cord to brain and motor path send the message from the brain to the body. In case of rear (back) brain, brain stem and its accessories exist. Rear brain is situated in cerebellum cortex. The major important functions have been summarized.
2. Function of main parts of brain
Core function, Autonomic nervous system and Somatic nervous system (CAS) is the primitive brain which determines our drives for hunger, thirst & reproduction and also produces the drive for respiratory, digestive and the movement of hands & legs generally.
2.1. Brain stem
In the core, brain stem exists. Function of brain stem is to have the control on respiratory and circulatory system along with alarming. The injury of lower part of brain stem (the Pons and Medulla) results in death, as the centers which control respiration, the heart functions and BP are connected here. The brain stem also contains a complex network of brain cells and fibers which runs through its entire length.
The brain cells and fibers receive all the sensations here, and messages pass to the rest of the brain and works like alarm system. For example, if there is a fire, sensation (smell) passes through the alerting network, and thence to the rest of the brain, so that action is taken.
Above the brainstem lies the cerebellum or little brain. It (cerebellum) receives information about movement both from the higher centers (planners) and from the muscles (executers), so that changes can be made. This is important to achieve balance. Thus the cerebellum can be expected to be working very efficiently in a circus trapeze artiste, ‘who walks the tight rope’. The cerebellum also plays a role in speech and walking.
2.2. Thalamus and Hypothalamus
The thalamus passes all incoming and outgoing information. The hypothalamus lies below the thalamus, it is important for feeling of hunger and thirst as well as to stop them.
The endocrine glands (ductless glands) are pituitary, thyroid; adrenals, pancreas, reproductive glands and their secretions are regulated by hypothalamus. It also controls the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System). Hypothalamus is also concerned for emotional responses such as pleasure, pain, and rage. Biological clock is also regulated by hypothalamus. Sleep and memory are the two important functions of hypothalamus.
2.3. Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System functions like beating of the heart and digestion of food (which is not in our will). It is situated in the brain stem, spinal cord, periphery of nervous system. ANS is controlled by hypothalamus. The ANS has two divisions such as i) the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and ii) Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS). PSNS arises from brain stem and the sacral portion of the spinal cord. SNS arises from the thoracic and lumbar parts. In addition, Somatic nervous system functions like walking, moving our hands etc (which is in our will).
2.4. Cerebral cortex
Cerebral cortex is responsible for complex functions such as reasoning, creativity and anticipation. There are two cerebral hemispheres known as left hemisphere and right hemisphere. Frontal cortex is the part of the brain which lies behind the forehead. It has been described as the character cortex. The parietal cortex is concerned with putting together information.
2.5. Spinal cord
Spinal cord has four parts such as cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral portion. Vertebrae offer the protection to the spinal cord which lies within it. The spinal cord is concerned with transmitting sensations (pain, temperature) from the body to the brain. This is called the sensory pathway. The message from the brain to the body comes through motor pathway. The different parts of the spinal cord can also communicate with one another as they are integral part. In some cases, where our responses are very quick and automatic, the spinal cord decides on its own, what has to be done?
3. The Blood supply to the brain
Blood supply to the brain is an important factor to understand the major function of brain. Within 5 to 10 seconds of total stoppage of blood supply to the brain, a person loses consciousness, within 2 minutes all the energy stores are used up and the brain death occurs.
It is very interesting to note that the brain makes up about 2% of the body weight- the blood flow/ min is about 15% of the output from the heart. (The average adult brain weighs about 1400 gm). Thus the brain has a blood supply of about 750- 1000 ml/ min. This blood supply remains constant during various conditions, such as exercise and sleep. Probably the most important factor which can make the blood vessels to the brain dilate (become wider) is carbon dioxide. This gas is produced whenever cells are active. Hence when cells are active the carbon dioxide which is produced increases the blood supply automatically.
In addition to blood supply to the brain, the brain also has another fluid, which is clear and transparent. The Cerebro Spinal Fluid (CSF) is formed from the blood. It is present in spaces (ventricles) within the brain. It also present around the brain, between layers of tissue wrapped around the brain. Thus the CSF acts as a ‘water cushion’. Normal brain can highly be developed by means of yogic practice so that the scientist will be able to discover the new scientific concepts for utility of human kind.
4. Need of vibrant brain
The Scientist having normal brain can also discover some scientific concepts provided they have will power and also the great power of concentration. This is because, both together will uplift their lower mind (which every one posses) to the higher energy centre of the body. The fluctuation of lower mind with low energy can be experienced with an example. For instance, the scientists who do not want to take the risk while formulating the concept, mathematical model and doing some experiment, they would like to follow the safer method and finally will not get the success. This is like a chick (tender bird) in the shell of an egg. It will not prefer to come out from the hard shell as there will be sufficient protection to rest inside the shell where female bird will also take care of the chick. Unless the elder bird will push the chick to fly in the open sky, the chick will never realize the risk factor connected with fly and discover the rest of the world. Scientist of moody nature may find this kind of consequences in the long run.
The other hurdles for the scientists might come in the way about their strong likes and dislikes concerned with people, food, places and environments. This kind of aptitude will anchor the lower mind along with lower energy at Swadisthana chakra which is the centre of Apana prana (an element to drain the normal energy of human system). Hence scientists may take this as the yardstick to visualize the position of their own lower mind.
Emotional is next factor which come as a hurdle for uplifting the lower mind for anyone including the scientists. At this juncture, people will be more moody under negative emotion and their own whole plan will get burnt up in the fire of their being reactive, rejective and grumbling in nature. Next hurdle for the scientist (or any one) for lifting the lower mind is their ego. Unless they know the art of surrendering to their work related to scientific discovery, they may not get success. These hurdles are the outcome of basic nature of scientists which comes from the birth. But the same can be overcome with the help of certain yogic techniques like Kriya yoga and they can achieve the vibrant brain by lifting their lower mind.
4.1. How normal brain can be turned into vibrant brain?
Normal brain consists of all the possibilities to explore the hidden potential of divinity (super human being). The question arises, how this could be achieved? Swami Vivekananda has summarized four paths of yoga which can yield the desired result. They are i) Karma yoga (the path of action) ii) Bhakti yoga (the path of devotion) iii) Gyan yoga (the path of knowledge) and iv) Raj yoga (the path of mind and emotion culture). The brain (mind) can be made vibrant easily with the help of Raj yoga.
4.2. The union of two minds is the gateway of vibrant brain
The image describes how Kriya yoga takes care of energy (Shakti) concerned with frontal part of the brain and makes the same equal to the space (Shiva) concerned with rear part of the brain. When both energy (Shakti) and space (Shiva) are equal, the third element consciousness (Brahm) comes into picture for achieving holistic approach. This indicates that merging of the energy and space or Shiva and Shakti evolves the consciousness or Brahm which provides the ability to know the unknown in the Universe.
Kriya yoga uplift the lower mind and merge it at top back of the head, from where an individual starts the life journey in mother’s womb. This concept is dealt in yoga and the same is known as Bindu (nuclei). This Bindu gets divided into two parts and they are called higher mind (white Bindu) and lower mind (red Bindu). In the life journeys the lower mind having tendency to flow at lower centers (chakra) of the body.
If fall of Bindu (lower mind) continues, our life becomes boredom and miserable. Under this circumstance, the people will not get the success and they may achieve the condition of hopelessness and helplessness.
During day to day life when we unify both at the same point, we become divine. This means the people can achieve a platform after merging the two from there they may plan, organize, lead and control their activities to get success. That is why; this point is the stepping stone for the scientist to achieve the success in their efforts.
5. What scientists achieve from Kriya yoga?
Kriya yoga provides very good digestive system and prepare the scientist free from any kind of diseases (claimed by MN- 70 of Yoga Chudamani Upanishad). This is not philosophical statement by mantra, but the same can be examined by analyzing the purification and activation of three major glands in the brain. The Kriya yoga improves the functional aspects of these glands and provides the desired results. They have been analyzed in detailed.
The image describes that when merger of lower and higher mind happens, the same will result the purification and activation of three glands (pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal glands). These glands play a vital role in psychic tunnel to explore the beneficial aspects for stability of lower mind at higher centers. These glands also help to accelerate the merger process of lower mind with higher mind.
Pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal glands get activated when lower mind (controlled by sensory and motor path of the brain) gets merged with higher mind which is at top back of the head. This means that middle brain where hypothalamus, motor and sensory path are available, plays a vital role in psychic tunnel for merger of two minds and make it (Bindu after union of higher and lower mind) stable platform (visualized as full moon).
The position of different glands in the human brain has been shown in the image which are inter connected and inter dependent for the better function of body and mind. The features and beneficial aspects of these glands have been described.
5.1. Pineal Gland
The main function of pineal gland is to make Nero-hormones which affect both levels of our existence that is brain and body. This clearly indicates that unless pineal gland is purified and the same becomes active, the Nero hormones will not be secreted. The same will not be effective at two existence of an individual that is body (where lower mind works) and brain (where higher mind works). Kriya yoga helps to secrete these hormones.
Melatonin, the principal product of the mammalian pineal gland, acts as an internal representative of nighttime. The secretion of melatonin is increased under light-dark cycles, with an increase in the dark period and a decrease in the light period the pineal gland may be able to directly sense the light. Immuno cytochemically, it is reasonable to believe that the pineal gland can be photo-receptive. The pineal was simply called 'folded retina', a variety of genes that are only expressed in eyes are expressed in the pineal gland as well.
The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, weighing little more than 0.1 gram and is in the center of the brain. It is the point of connection between the intellect and the body. It is located directly behind the eyes. At the age of seven or eight the pineal gland begins to degenerate in every child and the pituitary is unleashed. Because of this there is no balance because the pineal was not maintained in a healthy state when it began to degenerate. It is also known for "seat of the soul". The pineal gland is a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body. In humans it affects sleeps patterns and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder.
The pineal gland is occasionally associated with the sixth charka. Extra doses of bright light can cause the pineal gland to produce less melatonin thereby eliminating some of the symptoms of SAD. This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various biorhythms of the body. . In periods of darkness the pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone that shows significant sedative properties.
The pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. The pineal gland and the pituitary body must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation and/or relaxation. The pineal gland situated at the top of the spinal column in the medulla oblongata. It is also known as the "Third Eye".
The image describes the important aspects of pineal gland. It provides many beneficial aspects in day to day life such as making us to have more learning capability and better memory storage. The image briefly sums up the beneficial aspects of pineal gland in materialistic life as well as in spiritual domain.
The image describes the important aspects of pineal gland. It provides many beneficial aspects in day to day life such as making us to have more learning capability and better memory storage. The image briefly sums up the beneficial aspects of pineal gland in materialistic life as well as in spiritual domain.
It speeds up our memory and learning abilities. In addition, it Enhances intuition, wisdom and creativity by utilizing the highest power of mind. The pineal gland is the seat of great power and potential for dynamic and vibrant life. This clarifies that pineal gland is very important gland (which normally gets dried up in common mass) in materialistic world. By activating the same we achieve best possible personality while dealing with people, object, place and situation.
By activating our pineal gland, we begin our journey of enlightenment. In case of Spiritual domain, it provides the experience of bliss. This is an added feature of pineal gland to achieve the purpose of taking birth. Unfortunately, the elite knew this and have tried to hide it from the masses for centuries. Now, with the help of Kriya yoga the pineal gland can be activated and utilized.
5.1.1. Pineal gland crown (Turiya as centre of consciousness)
Beginning with the withdrawal of the senses and the physical consciousness, the consciousness is centered in the region of the pineal gland. This happens when we develop our absolute consciousness (Brahm Chaitanya) as per Vedanta. At this juncture, the perceptive faculty and the point of realization are centralized in the area between the middle of the forehead and the pineal gland.
The trick is to visualize, very intently, the subtle body escaping through the trap door of the brain. This can also be achieved with the help of Jyoti Trataka (gazing of candle flame intentionally at inner part of the brain). Deep meditation is the best solution to achieve this kind of visualization.
5.2. Hypothalamus
There is a pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus called the retino hypothalamic tract. It brings information about light and dark cycles to a region of the hypothalamus called the Supra Chiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). From the SCN, nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland. These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin. When these impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland is therefore a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body.
The image describes the important features of hypothalamus. It is situated in front of brain stem and its complex network. The brain stem also contains a complex network of brain cells and fibers which runs through its entire length. The brain cells and fibers receive all the sensations here, and messages pass to the rest of the brain and works like alarm system. Hypothalamus is the important conveyer of the information in the brain.
The image describes different kinds of endocrine glands. These glands are ductless and they are pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, reproductive glands and their secretions are regulated by hypothalamus. It (hypothalamus) works as controller of these glands. The secretion of chemicals from these glands is regulated depending on the alarming situation (the demand of secretion to face the situation).
It also controls the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System). In turn, ANS regulate parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. This means hypothalamus is indirectly is the controller of PSNS and SNS. Hypothalamus is also concerned for emotional responses such as pleasure, pain, and rage. Biological clock is also regulated by hypothalamus. Sleep and memory are the two important functions of hypothalamus.
5.3. Relationship between pituitary and pineal gland
To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary body must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation and or relaxation. When a correct relationship is established between personality operating through the pituitary body and the soul operating through the pineal gland, a magnetic field is created. The negative and positive forces interact and become strong enough to create the 'light in the head.' With this 'light in the head' activated, astral projectors can withdraw themselves from the body, carrying the light with them. The magnetic field is created around the pineal gland, by focusing the mind on the midway point between the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The creative imagination visualizes something, and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this form.
The image describes the importance of pituitary glands for the development of mankind. This gland is also known as the Gland of Command (Agna chakra). Agna chakra commands five systems (circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory and central nervous system) of the body to regulate the physical and mental health.
For proper development of socio economy, environment, cultural, educational and spiritual aspects; we need adequate development of pituitary and pineal glands. This is because, pineal glands works as on- off switch for pituitary gland. Normally, common mass will not have the proper growth of pineal gland in the youth hood as it gets dried up. In that situation, pituitary will not get the proper impacts of pineal which is required for uplifting the lower mind at higher centers and also for merging the same with higher mind. That is why, the balance of these two minds is essential.
Otherwise, inadequacy of pituitary and pineal glands, there would be growth of criminals and unrest society. Imbalance of inferiority complex among the youth and management people will not have the self control though; they will be having self esteem. It is important to note that pituitary gland alone guides the lower mind responsible for the physical need with the help of karma Indriya and Gyan Indriya. Whereas, pineal gland alone can guide the higher mind for thinking, planning, organizing, leading and controlling the mental work. Both together will uplift the lower mental work of pituitary gland and higher mental work of pineal gland with proper justification to achieve overall development in the society.
5.4. Pituitary gland
The pineal gland works with pituitary through hypothalamus to control endocrine system of the body. This means pineal gland helps to activate pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal and reproductive gland. These glands are responsible for healthy physical and mental life. Pineal also controls the emotional state of the mind in head region (mental state) and dream & deep sleep in physical state. For understanding we can take pituitary gland as on switch and Pineal gland as off switch. Pineal gland produces a chemical in the brain that enhances meditative state. Neuro chemical and anthropological are the evidence.
In case of insufficient development of pituitary gland, there will be development of criminal attitude because of lack of moral value at Hands level. At Heart level, there will be inferiority complex among the intellectuals. Similarly, there will be lack of self control in different situations among the learned people.
The situation will be different if pituitary gland is properly functioning with the help of pineal gland. For example, at Hands level there will be inner development of better moral value and faith (Shraddha). Likewise, at Heart level the intellectuals will be more creative and also at Head level, the intellectuals will be working more for the society (social oriented); which is the need of the hour.
6. Meditation acquires the Theta state
Theta state of the brain wave helps to dive inside the unconscious mind where suppressed imprints along with Sanchit karma (collected imprints during evolution) exist. Normally, frequency of brain wave at theta state is about five CPS or below. This is achieved in meditation (Kriya yoga first and then meditation is continued).
At certain brainwave frequencies, a sense of ego boundary vanishes. In the theta state, we are resting deeply and still conscious. As the brain enters deeper states, our consciousness is less concerned with the physical state, our 'third eye' is active, and separation becomes natural.
To develop the 'Third eye', imagination, and visualization are important ingredients. To separate from the physical form, third eye development is helpful. Intuition is also achieved through third eye development. Knowledge and memory of astral plane are not registered in full waking consciousness, until the intuition becomes strong enough. Flashes of intuition come with increasing consistency when third eye is activated to a greater degree. Universal knowledge can also be acquired through intuition.
The image describes the different methods of activating the third eye in brief. It also explains that theta state works as stepping stone for quantum jump while meditation. During meditation, when theta stage is reached (the brain frequency is less than 5 CPS), third eye opens up which is a helping step for quantum jump in transcendental body. The third eye is also developed with the help of Kriya yoga and by Trataka meditation.
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